Request for Test Services

Antenna Test Facility

Please, for any inquiries on capabilities, facilities, or expertise of the U.S. Army Electronic Proving Ground, contact our Mission Development Team at:

Comm: (520) 533-8204 (DSN 879)

For support or questions with U.S. Army Electronic Proving Ground instrumentation, please contact:

Comm: (520) 538-5602 (DSN 879)

If you are ready to submit your request:

For COSPAS-SARSAT Requests for Test Services,
please email USARMY Ft Huachuca ATEC List EPG COSPAS-SARSAT Support .

For all other Requests for Test Services, CLICK HERE .

While the MRTFB is maintained primarily for DOD T&E support missions, other U.S. government agencies (Federal, State, and local), allied foreign governments, defense contractors, as well as private organizations and commercial enterprises may be permitted to use MRTFB activities. Without compromising primary responsibility to DOD customers, MRTFB commanders will assure equitable consideration for commercial customers and non-DOD users at their facilities according to DODD 3200.11 and DODI 3200.18.

Thank you.