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Laguna Test Area

The Laguna Test Area provides the following special test courses to measure vehicular performance data over natural desert terrain.

- Tank Level Cross-Country (6.8 miles) - This course traverses level, sandy terrain with many bumps to provide a severe test of vehicle suspensions with moderate loads on the drive train.
- Tank Gravel (3.6 miles) - A compacted and graded gravel course for testing under conditions similar to a secondary graveled road.
- Tank Hilly Cross-County Course A (2.5 miles) - This course contains many long steep slopes with up to 40% grades and lengths up to 200 ft. Course surfaces vary from sand and gravel to exposed bedrock.
- Tank Hilly Cross-County Course B (2.7 miles) - This course contains shorter steep grades (35% maximum) and a greater proportion of slopes less than 20%. Course surfaces vary from sand and gravel to exposed bedrock.
- Old Highway 95 (7.6 miles) - A secondary road course constructed of compacted and graded gravel. The course layout is a long straight-away with a loop at each end.
- Truck Gravel (3.1 miles) - The layout is an elongated loop on nearly level gravel secondary road.
- Truck Level, Cross-country East Loop (3.2 miles) - This course consists of a slightly rough, relatively hard sand and gravel surface.
- Truck Level, Cross-country West Loop (6.1 miles) - This course consists of a slightly rough, large gravel surface, with sandy washes.
- Middle East Desert Test Course (20.6 miles) - This composite course was designed to be comparable with cross country operations in the deserts of the Middle-East. Specific terrain was chosen based on comparisons of YPG terrain to Middle-Eastern desert terrain. Course terrain varies from flat desert pavement to mountain slopes.
- Paved Dynamometer (4.8 miles) - A paved course with a 2 - mile straightaway having less than 1% slope.
Extensive instrumentation for testing wheeled and tracked vehicles, components, fuels, and lubricants is also available.