• SIG5

    Unconventional Weapons Protection

    Since sixth century BC, chemical and biological weapons have existed, developing into greater threats over the ensuing millennia. Some of the earliest references to toxic warfare include burning projectiles, poisoning water, catapulting plague-infected bodies and creating blinding smoke screens. The development of modern chemistry in the mid-19th century helped increase the sophistication of toxic weaponry.  Read More

    The Future of Multi-Domain Distributed Testing

    Traditionally, wars are fought over land, sea, and in the air. Future conflicts will no longer exist solely in those domains; we will encounter conflict in space, cyberspace and simultaneously across all five domains. How will we be ready for multi-domain operations?  Read More


    We Test - You Survive

    The original 155 mm M109 self-propelled howitzer (SPH) was first fielded in 1963 during the Vietnam War era. By 1993, various improvements and iterations led to the M109A6 howitzer and M992A2 ammunition carrier, with a current U.S. Army force of 547 M109A6s and 500 M992A2s within 19 Armored Brigade Combat Teams and 8 Field Artillery Battalions. The current fleet is expected to be in Army service until 2026, approximately 65 years from the day the first M109 was fielded.  Read More


    100 Years of Excellence: The ATC Story

    In 1985, the Materiel Testing Directorate was reorganized as the U.S. Army Combat Systems Test Activity (USACSTA), testing combat weapons, systems and vehicles, other automotive equipment, ammunition components, munitions and general equipment, radioactive environment simulation and research and development programs for test instrumentation, methodology and facility performance requirements. USACSTA's purpose was to test and develop Army materiel.  Read More



COL James Polak is the Commander of the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center, U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.

ATC Vision

ONE TEAM, Driven by integrity, mutual respect, and trust.

ONE VISION, Setting the highest standard of excellence.

ONE UNSHAKABLE BOND, Protecting one another and those who inspire us to give our best each day for our Warfighters.

ATC Mission

- Provide test and test support services for authorized customers within and outside of DoD, including Government and non-Government organizations, domestic, and foreign.

- Perform comprehensive test and training, both real and simulated.

- Exploit emerging technologies.

- Develop leading-edge instrumentation and test methodologies.

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This site was last updated on 23 January 2025

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