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Visitor Security
Visitor badges must be worn above the waist and in clear view at all times while in the restricted area. Visitor badges must be returned to the ATC visit center located in Building 324 or the after-hours drop box in Building 324 vestibule when the visit is over.
Unescorted access to the restricted area (behind the fence) may be permitted based upon a security clearance or favorable investigation, familiarity with the restrictions and requirements of the area, and an official need to enter. Unescorted access will be authorized on a case-by-case basis. An investigation or security clearance is not required for escorted access and access is based upon an official need to enter. Coordinate your visit in advance with your ATC point of contact to assure the necessary security authorizations have been completed.
A visitor badge does not permit unlimited access within the restricted area. A "no escort required" security badge permits you access only to designated areas. You are expected to take the most direct route to and from the site(s) you are approved to visit. Visitors are strictly limited to the areas which satisfy the following two requirements: your test item is in the area and you have a justifiable need-to-know. Visitors found not complying with this policy are subject to administrative sanctions.
Never visit any test site or range without coordinating with the test director in charge of your program and/or the test director in charge of the test site. If you need to visit another site (for instance to visit another program your organization is sponsoring or supporting), ask your ATC point of contact to make those arrangements.
Cameras, video cameras, tape recorders or other photographic or recording devices are not permitted within the restricted area unless previously approved. If you require such equipment to complete your mission during your visit, you must let your ATC point of contact know before bringing the equipment to ATC. Your ATC point of contact will be responsible for obtaining authorization from the ATC security office. Such equipment must be accompanied by an ATC host and/or employee possessing a special photographic permit (camera pass) or an approval order issued by the ATC security office.
An office approval must be obtained through the ATC security office for all foreign national visitors. Call ATC security office Commercial (410) 278-4053 or DSN 298-4053 for access authorization. Please ensure that foreign national(s) not employed by your company under a contract with the DoD submit a Request for Visit Authorization through their embassies in Washington, D.C. at least 30 days before each proposed visit. Visitors will be advised by their embassies whether or not their visit requests are approved.
Please coordinate any requirements to store or transmit classified documents or materials by courier with your ATC point of contact before your visit. Be sure to obtain courier authorization in writing from your home station before hand-carrying any classified information.
Visitors should direct all requests for test data or information to the ATC test director. The ATC test director can satisfy reasonable requests from appropriate personnel. Visitors will not direct ATC personnel in performance of tasks during testing except in certain situations coordinated in advance with the ATC test director and ATC support elements.