Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Notice: As a result of increases in the Health Protection Condition (HPCON)
level, our offices are limited to mission-essential personnel only and
maximizing the use of telework for other personnel. This means that we are
unable to handle requests sent via traditional methods and can only respond
to electronic inquiries while under elevated HPCON levels.
ATC FOIA requests may be submitted via the United States Postal Service to the following address:
FOIA Officer
US Army Aberdeen Test Center
Building 400
6943 Colleran Road
Aberdeen Proving Ground MD 21005-5059
Click here to submit a FOIA request via electronic mail.
You may also contact the FOIA Public Liaisons at the Army Freedom of Information Act Office. Additional information is available on their website, listed below.
US Army Records Management and Declassification Agency
Room 102, Casey Building
7701 Telegraph Road
Alexandria Virginia 22315-3860