Test Technology


U.S. Army Operational Test Command
91012 Station Avenue, ATTN:  TEOT-TT
Fort Cavazos, Texas  76544-5068


The Test Technology Directorate supports OTC test directorates in the planning, preparation, and execution of operational tests in a joint test environment by acquiring and sustaining a common integrated simulation, instrumentation, and data management capability.  On order, it develops future test capabilities.


Predict technology required to collect data from proposed Army systems, technology, and concepts.
Determine technology required to support future OT and other tests.
Develop Technology Master Plan and keep it aligned with changing requirements.
Develop and maintain technology funding program.
Perform System Manager responsibilities for development/acquisition of technologies.
Support test directorates in accrediting/certifying technology for specific applications.
Provide technology expertise to test teams.
Monitor technology during use in tests and experiments.
Maintain information on available and planned technology.