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Who We Are

  The Operational Test Command, the Army's independent operational tester, tests and assesses Army, Joint, and Multi-service war-fighting systems in a realistic operational environment using typical Soldiers to determine whether the systems are effective, suitable, and survivable.  OTC remains true to its ultimate customerthe American Soldier.

  OTC is the Army's only independent operational tester; it is required by public law to test major systems before they are fielded to the American Soldier.

  OTC lives the Expeditionary Army ethosreadily deployable test teams support the Army's rapid acquisition initiatives and are prepared to deploy on very short notice to any location to gather information on Army systems.  OTC's objective is to conduct operational tests where the Soldiers and equipment are.

  Since 2003 OTC has deployed ATEC Forward Operational Assessment (FOA) teams in Iraq and Afghanistan to gather information in support of our deployed formations.

Located with OTC Headquarters Command and staff at Fort Cavazos, Texas, are four test directorates.  Four forward test directorates are located at Fort Huachuca, Fort Sill, Fort Bliss, and Fort Liberty.  A Test and Evaluation Coordination Office (TECO) supports the Army Maneuver Support Center (MANSCEN) at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and an Infantry Support Cell supports the Infantry School and Center at Fort Benning, Georgia.

OTC becomes involved in the Army's acquisition process following the developmental tests that ensure the product technically performs as the Army expected it to do.  That product is then transitioned to OTC professionals to test in the hands of the intended userthe American Soldier.

OTC uses highly sophisticated and state-of-the-art technology.  Rugged instrumentation collects test data that will document performance levels and operational suitability.  Modeling and simulation products work independently or within a distributed simulation environment to create a realistic operational environment.  Real-time casualty assessment adds realism to tests and assists in collecting data to assess weapon capabilities and limitations.

What We Do

Plan, conduct, and report operational tests and experiments for the Army acquisition decision-making process.

 Test or assess systems in a realistic operational environment using typical Soldiers to determine whether systems are effective, suitable, and survivable.

 Capitalize on synergy with units and acquisition organizations at Fort Cavazos and the installations at which OTC's forward directorates are located.

 Deploy test teams worldwide to accomplish operational testing missions at Soldiers' locations.

Deploy FOA teams into combat and operational contingency theaters to collect data on weapons and systems used in the operational environment, including systems fielded through the Army's rapid acquisition initiatives.

 Plan high-priority operational testing on the Army's Future Combat Systems (FCS).