Command Sergeant Major
Command Sgt. Maj. Jessica Cho
CSM Jessica Cho is a native of San Francisco, CA, raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She enlisted in the Army on September 28, 2003 as a Chemical Operations Specialist (74D), and attended one station unit training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
CSM Cho served as a Decontamination Team member, Squad Leader, Sample Team Leader, Drill Sergeant, Senior Drill Sergeant, S3 NCOIC, Cultural Support Team NCOIC, Operations Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, and G33 Sergeant Major.
Her stateside assignments include Pohakuloa Training Area, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Fort Stewart, Georgia, and Fort Bliss, Texas. She has one overseas assignment to the Republic of South Korea, and has deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom, New Dawn and Enduring Freedom.
CSM Cho’s military education includes Air Assault School, Basic Leader Course, Technical Escort School, Master Driver Course, Advanced Leader Course, Modern Army Combative Program I & II, Drill Sergeant School, Master Resilience Course, Cultural Support Team Assessment/Selection course, Master Fitness Course, Sexual Harassment/ Assault Response and Prevention Course, CBRN Reconnaissance School, Vehicle Crew Evaluator course, First Sergeant Pre-Command Course and the Sergeants Major Academy (Class 71). Her civilian education includes a Master of Science Degree in Sports and Health Sciences from American Military University and achieved her personal trainer certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
CSM Cho’s awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (two oak leaf cluster), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (one silver oak leaf cluster), Army Achievement Medal (one silver, three bronze oak leaf clusters), Army Good Conduct Medal (sixth award), National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal, Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon with the numeral “5” device, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon with the numeral “2” device, NATO Medal, Drill Sergeant Identification Badge, Air Assault Badge, Driver and Mechanic Badge, and the Norwegian Foot-march skill insignia (bronze).
CSM Jessica Cho is a native of San Francisco, CA, raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She enlisted in the Army on September 28, 2003 as a Chemical Operations Specialist (74D)
Master of Science Degree in Sports and Health Sciences from American Military University.