West Desert Test Center
West Desert Test Center (WDTC) is the testing area for US Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) and is designated as the US Army’s Major Range and Test Facility Base for chemical and biological defense testing. WDTC specializes in planning, conducting, and analyzing results of developmental and production tests. Areas of expertise include chemical and biological (CB) defense, smoke and obscurants, materiel and delivery systems, munitions and incendiary devices, meteorological research and modeling, environmental characterization and remediation technology testing, and technology transfer to include specialized hands-on CB training for military and civil support teams.
DPG is part of the US Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC). The WDTC is ATEC’s testing activity at Dugway. ATEC also includes Aberdeen Test Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland; Electronic Proving Ground, Fort Huachuca, Arizona; Redstone Test Center, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama; White Sands Test Center, White Sands Test Center, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico; and Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona.
WDTC is organized into specialized divisions that work together to accomplish the mission. WDTC features a diverse and dedicated team of scientists, chemists, microbiologists, engineers, technicians, and support personnel who specialize in developmental test and evaluation.
WDTC’s divisions include:
- Operations Division
- Chemical Test Division - Testing of chemical defense and decontamination systems and methodologies
- Special Programs Division - Non-acquisition chem/bio testing, advanced training for civilian and military first responders, other advanced training programs
- Test Support Division
- Data Management Division - Information technology systems management, data planning and analysis, programming and software development
- Resource Management Division
- Meteorology Division - Meteorological and climatological support, forecasting, meteorology project management