

Col. James P. Harwell

Colonel Harwell hails from the Midwest and grew up in the United States Army. He is a 1999 graduate of Indiana University where he was commissioned in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps.

Command Sergeant Major

Command Sergeant Major


  • Official Photo
  • Biography
Technical Director

Technical Director

Dr. Chris Olson

Dr. Olson directs the development of long-range, strategic resource plans, ensures technical expertise in DPG's mission, and sets standards for leadership and management.

Director, WDTC

Director, WDTC

Mr. Ryan W. Harris

Ryan Harris is currently serving as the Director for West Desert Test Center, Dugway Proving Ground.

Garrison Manager

Garrison Manager

Mr. Christopher Damour

Mr. Damour attended Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. He also received an Army Cost Management Certificate from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA.