U.S. Army Operational Testers' Hall of Fame

  Mr. Ray B. May


Inducted October 24, 1996

March 21, 1921 - January 6, 1998

Military Test Officer and Analyst
Fort Cavazos, Texas, 1971-1972

Senior Analyst
Fort Cavazos, Texas, 1972-1977

Quality Control and Analysis Division Chief
Fort Cavazos, Texas 1977-1980

Senior Analyst
Methodology and Analysis Directorate, TCATA
Fort Cavazos, Texas, 1981-1983



Prior to his retirement from the U.S. Army in 1962, Mr. May was involved in Army testing, including his involvement in a study which resulted in the formation of the Combat Developments Experimentation Command at Fort Ord, California.

Mr. May made significant leadership and methodological contribution to operational testing and experimentation during the formative years of Project MASSTER, HQ MASSTER, and TCATA as a military test officer and analyst.

His accomplishments during 13 years with MASSTER and TCATA were both extraordinary and voluminous.

Mr. May was a master at deciphering confounded test requirements and reducing the complexity to a common-sense approach.  His advice and expertise were always praised and accepted by the scientific community.

His efforts have had such long-lasting effects on such programs as integration of women into combat and combat-support positions, one-station unit training, attack helicopter and scout team tactics and operations, division restructuring, and the Unit Manning System study.

Largely as a result of his efforts, the quality of operational testing and experiments increased significantly during his tenure from 1971 to 1983.