U.S. Army Operational Testers' Hall of Fame

  Command Sgt. Maj. Walter "Walt" W. Krueger


Inducted October 31, 1997

July 27, 1933 - March 2, 1996

Sergeant Major, Project MASSTER
 Fort Cavazos, Texas, 1969-1971

Command Sergeant Major, HQ, MASSTER
Fort Cavazos, Texas, 1971-1972



Command Sgt. Maj. Walter "Walt" W. Krueger is credited with establishing the foundation of an operational testing organization that eventually flourished into what is known today as the Operational Test Command.

Krueger was key in the establishment of the organization in the storeroom of the III Corps Conference Room (Bldg 38) without benefit of a prescribed mission, assigned people, equipment or budget, and establishing a headquarters at West Fort Cavazos that has been the home base for the Army's operational test ever since.

He was not only personally involved in the "sergeant's business" end of establishing a new and unique organization, but also intimately involved in the testing operations in the field, including methodology and analysis aspects as they applied to real world collection of data on systems tested.

Project MASSTER was a dynamic organization that underwent numerous organization and growing pains.  Through trial and error--and numerous reorganizations--Krueger provided the hands-on leadership and ingenuity that allowed the organization to complete 19 separate tests in the first year.

He was a leader and instrumental in establishing policy and precedent to satisfy a high tempo of mission accomplishment while always mentoring and nurturing soldiers.  He was key in managing the various distractors to mission accomplishment, ranging from numerous high ranking visitors to satisfying the Fort Cavazos installation requirements imposed on the new tenant organization.

Krueger's significant impact on the development of Project MASSTER led to recognition by Department of the Army on the value added by a dedicated operational test organization, and designed MASSTER a permanent organization.  His leadership philosophies and dedication to operational testing for the American soldier and taking care of people continues to be the basis for the operation of OTC.

Krueger was representative of the outstanding and dedicated NCOs assigned to MASSTER who were the backbone of all testing operations who were "always there to make it happen."