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The Technology Experimentation & Characterization Field Trials (TECFT) provide a testing opportunity in diverse operationally-relevant test environments for acquisition managers, international partners, and academic and industry stakeholders of chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) defense communities. This event offers a cost effective means for participants to bring their equipment and operators to collect critical data needed to characterize technology performance. TECFT is designed to foster development efforts in industry and academia, establish active links between science and technology (S&T) and test and evaluation (T&E), optimize test efficiencies, eliminate redundant test events, and assess system performance and suitability requirements. TECFT will help facilitate time and cost reductions for technology testing, and expand and support S&T progression to fielded technologies for all domains, to include Detection, Protection, and Decontamination.

The July TECFT event will feature multiple nighttime releases of CB simulants in outdoor test chambers (joint ambient breeze tunnel and active standoff chamber) and a fully-instrumented test grid (Target S). TECFT is also considering conducting a radiological scenario(s) using source materials. Specific information regarding participation costs and the registration process will be provided during the customer calls.