Technical Director
Ms. Deirdre Sumpter
Ms. Deirdre J. Sumpter is the Technical Director for the U.S. Army Evaluation Center (AEC). She is responsible for overseeing military programs as part of the acquisition life cycle to keep up with the program/capability/technology changes that may occur along the way and to ensure that decision makers are equipped with the latest information to make an informed decision. She also reviews test and evaluation strategies and reports of all evaluated systems.
Ms. Sumpter earned her Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics with a minor in Psychology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering with a concentration in Stochastic Modeling she obtained from George Washington University. She also earned a Master of Science degree in Management and Leadership from Webster University.
She is a graduate of the 2010 Inaugural Senior Service College Fellowship at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD; Harford Leadership Academy, Harford Community College, Bel Air, MD; and the U.S. Department ofAgriculture (USDA) Women’s Executive Leadership (W.E.L.) one-year program.
Prior to her current position, Ms. Sumpter was the Chief, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Division of the Soldier and Support Systems Evaluation Directorate. She was responsible for Commands program management of CBRN detection and identification, Individual/Collective Protection, decontamination and integration of detection capabilities into reconnaissance platforms. Prior to that assignment, Ms. Sumpter served as the Technical Director of the Fires Evaluation Directorate and the Technical Director of the Intelligence Evaluation Directorate. Previous employers include the U.S. Army Developmental Test Command (DTC), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, as the chief of the DTC’s Command, Control, Communications (C3), Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors Division responsible for the Commands program management of C3, Advanced Communications, Soldier Electronics and IEW&S commodity areas and as an Operations Research Analyst (ORA). She worked for the U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity (AMSAA), APG, MD as an ORA. Her primaryresponsibility was to perform systems analysis on weapon systems. She served as the Team Leader for AMSAA’s Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) and Initial Provisioning Team. Ms. Sumpter has completed developmental assignments with U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology ASA (ALT), Army Materiel Command, and Program Manager for Chemical Demilitarization (PM CD) and participated in Army exercises in Korea, Germany, and Canada.
Ms. Sumpter was recognized by APG Federal Women’s Program as 1st Runner-up for Outstanding Women of the Year; Federal Executive Board, Community Service Award; and was a recipient of the Black Engineer of the Year Award. She was nominated and selected for the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. She is the first African American female DOD civilian to receive this prestigious medal on APG.
University of Maryland Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics
George Washington University Master of Science in Engineering
Webster University Master of Science in Management and Leadership