Deputy Director
Col. Jon Moore
Colonel Jon "JP" Moore, USA, is a Field Artillery branch officer, and currently serving as the U.S. Army Evaluation Center (AEC) Deputy Director at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
Prior to his current assignment, he served as U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) Director for G3/5/7 (Plans, Operations and Training) and Safety. Preceding his assignment(s) at HQ ATEC and AEC, he served as an instructor in the Department of Leadership and Warfighting at the Air War College. Previous to the Air War College, he served as the Director, Soldier and Support Systems Evaluation Directorate for ATEC at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. He commanded 1-37 Field Artillery, 3BCT/2d Infantry Division at Fort Lewis Washington and Diyala, Iraq. Other assignments include the 18th Fires Brigade Assistant S3 and Liaison Officer to the 82d Airborne Division Artillery and Headquarters and Service Battery Commander for 3rd Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Regiment at Fort Bragg. NC; 3rd Howitzer Battery Commander and Squadron Fire Support Officer for 3rd Squadron, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment (LI) at Fort Polk, LA; Fire Support and Firing Battery O/C & Senior Fire Support Analyst at the Combat Maneuver Training Center (now JMRC) in Hohenfels, Germany; Infantry Brigade Combat Team Fire Support Coordinator for 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division and 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment Operations Officer and an Executive Officer at Fort Drum, NY; Instructor for the School of Command Preparation at Fort Leavenworth, KS; NATO’s Allied HQ Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) as an operational level planner, Deputy Director Joint Operations Center, and the Director for the JFCBS Afghanistan Desk / Director Afghanistan Fusion Cell. He has deployed in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, and NATO missions ISAF and Resolute Support on multiple occasions. COL Moore is a 1990 distinguished military graduate of the Valley Forge Military Academy and Junior College. He is a graduate of the Cleveland State University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science; Army Command and General Staff College; and the Army War College with a Master's Degree in Strategic Studies. COL Moore is currently pursuing the completion of his Master’s Degree in Adult and Continuing Education from Kansas State University.
Professional Interests: Outcomes Based Education; Adult and Continuing Education; Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental and Multinational (JIIM) Professional Leader Development; Joint Targeting and Fires and Effects in Support of Multi-Domain Operations; Test and Evaluation in Support of Acquisition.
Col. Jon Moore
Prior to his current assignment, he served as U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) Director for G3/5/7 (Plans, Operations and Training) and Safety.
Military graduate of the Valley Forge Military Academy and Junior College
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from Cleveland State University
Master's Degree in Strategic Studies from the Army War College