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History of RTC

The origins of the center can be traced back to 1956 when the Army Ballistic Missile Agency was established at the arsenal with a military mission to field the Army's first intermediate range ballistic missile. The missile flight test ranges and rocket motor static test stands formed the core of the Test and Evaluation Directorate under the pre-cursor organization, U.S. Army Missile Command, Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center.
In October 1990, the directorate was assigned to the former U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command and became known as the Redstone Technical Test Center. With the movement of the Aviation and Troop Command to the arsenal, the establishment of PEO Aviation opened up a new and challenging venue for aircraft test work which the center readily met and integrated into their capabilities.
In October 1999, a new era in modern military testing began as the Army developmental and operational testing consolidated under one command and formed the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command. In October 2010, both the aviation technical center from Fort Rucker and the redstone technical center from Redstone Arsenal, Alabama consolidated forming the Redstone Test Center.
A World Class Test Center for Aviation, Missile and Sensor Testing