Memorial Day: Signaling peak of summer PCS season

by Brig. Gen. Scott Spellmon, USAOTC Commander

Brig. Gen. Scott Spellmon
Brig. Gen. Scott Spellmon
USAOTC Commander
Memorial Day weekend officially began the military’s summer peak permanent change of station moving season, which will last until mid-August. Proper preparation and a positive attitude helps provide a hassle-free move and reduce the stress of change.

If a PCS move seems like a daunting task, remember that you are not alone. The U.S. Transportation Command’s Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command reported that the Department of Defense conducted 520,000 moves last year, with about 40 percent occurring during the summer season.

Experienced in dealing with that volume of movement, the personnel at SDDC and at our local Fort Hood Personal Property Office are ready to assist with all of your PCS needs. More information about the Fort Hood PPO may be found at

Upon receipt of orders, you should go to Defense Personal Property System, which is accessed via the website,, to register, login and set up your move. Customers will find online training and presentations explaining how to navigate through the move process. In addition, SDDC offers some moving tips.

• Diligent planning, attention to detail and flexibility will ensure a less stressful move during the peak season.

• Once you get orders, immediately start your moving process for a better chance to lock in your preferred pick-up and delivery dates.

• Create a personal move calendar with checklists, phone numbers, dates and important web links.

• Ask questions early. Accessing DPS can place you in direct contact with your commercial carrier to manage your personal property move. It is extremely important to keep your phone number and e-mail address updated.

• Requested pick-up and delivery dates are not confirmed until you and your commercial carrier mutually agree on the actual pack and pick-up dates.

• Pack, pick-up and delivery dates are normally scheduled on weekdays in which you or your designated representative must be available 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Longer hours may be required in some cases.

Moving in the summer months is extremely busy for all involved. Please stay flexible and prepare properly so that you successfully arrive at your next duty station ready for continued service.

The Greek general and statesman Pericles gives voice to our feelings of reflection when we receive PCS orders: “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” We should do our best each day in military service and seek to make a positive impact on others at each duty station.

Thank you for your hard work, dedication and support of the Great Place. If you are just arriving to Fort Hood, welcome to the Great Place. We know you will come to love and appreciate Fort Hood and grow during this challenging and rewarding assignment.

Please take advantage of all the great opportunities present in Central Texas and the Hill County. My Family joins me in extending to all of you and your Families our very best wishes for a safe, enjoyable and stress-free summer PCS.

Source:  Fort Hood Sentinel, June 12, 2014

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