New director brings leadership to
airborne, special ops test directorate

by Nora Locklear Sumrell, ABNSOTD

COL HagenIt's a new year and the Airborne and Special Operations Test Directorate has a new commander -- Col. Marshall A. Hagen.

Hagen has extensive leadership experience and he said he plans to view every test as a mission and to ensure each mission is coordinated, resourced, and executed to standard with the primary focus on truth in testing.

In nearly 70 years of existence, the ABNSOTD's mission has evolved to include testing of special operations as well as aerial delivery systems and platforms by warfighters, for warfighters.  Truth in testing is the ABNSOTD's guiding principle for ensuring safety and performance of every piece of equipment, system; or procedure, and -- more importantly the Soldier.

Besides safety, Hagen said, "The most crucial benefit that the ABNSOTD gives today's Soldier is the equipment they need that is ready to be used and that can do the job so they can accomplish their mission -- whether it be a body armor system, a parachute system, or a weapon system."

During his first six months as director, Hagen noted that essential to the success of ABNSOTD operational testing is the quality and professionalism of the Soldiers, Airmen, and civilians assigned or attached to the directorate.

"They are completely mission-focused and contribute to the mission with experience, commitment, and a realization that they test for the warfighter," he said.

He said that ensuring Soldiers have the best equipment for the job is one of the most important aspects of the ABNSOTD.

"The Army expects the ABNSOTD to be a viable, credible organization that serves the Soldiers by giving them the right tools," Hagen said.  "The important trend in airborne testing in the next five years or so will likely consist of the continuation of precision airdrop techniques, which will be refined with accuracy in mind.  Other impending tests will include special operations equipment, navigation aids, static line and free-fall parachute systems and techniques, and air delivery platforms."

Hagen said that he enjoys seeing a project to completion.

"The most rewarding aspect of my job so far is tracking the tests from start to finish, especially rapid initiative tests because those items and procedures are put to use immediately by warfighters in Afghanistan and Iraq.  It is very gratifying to see the full spectrum of a test, from the initial planning, through coordination, data collection and reduction, through test conduct and final reporting."

The Soldier is the number one reason that the ABNSOTD has tested new and improved airborne equipment and techniques for nearly 70 years, and Hagen, with his leadership skills, plans to make the Soldier his top priority as he has done for his entire Army career.

Source:  Paraglide Focus, February 26, 2010

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