A Special Gift for a Fort Hood Classroom


A soldier home from war presented his son’s 4th grade class at Meadows Elementary School with a very special gift Thursday.

SFC Jamie Walls presented them with a flag that flew over Camp Victory in Iraq, where he served a 9 month tour with the Forward Operational Assessment Team.

Sgt. Walls has deployed 11 times in the past 13 years, and wanted to present a special gift for his son and the other students in class, many of whom are growing up with their parents at war.

“We’ve had numerous discussions asking why, dad, do you have to go?  But when I told him I was presenting a flag to his class, that’s all he could think about,” said Walls.

School officials will put the flag in a frame and display it permanently in the classroom.

Source:  KCEN-DT, March 26, 2009

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