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Coronavirus News


While you are on Dugway Proving Ground, please remember:
  • • Cloth facial coverings are required at all times in the Commissary, Shoppette, Visitor Control Center and Housing Office, and in all other areas when social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • • On-post vehicle use is limited:
    • o All commuting vehicles, including private cars and rideshare vans, are still limited to four (4) occupants. Family members that live and commute together are counted as one (1) person. For example, if a father and son commute to DPG together, three (3) additional persons could ride in the vehicle.
    • o All on-post vehicles used for purposes other than on- and off-base commuting remain limited to two (2) persons per vehicles.
  • • On-site dining venues are takeout only.
  • • Gatherings are limited to 10 or fewer people.
Before you come onto Dugway Proving Ground, please ask yourself:*
  • 1. Did you have direct contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive or suspected positive?
  • 2. Have you stayed in public lodging, traveled via public mass transit, or traveled to a DOMESTIC HOTSPOT?
  • OR
  • 3. Have you had a fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches and pains, sore throat or a decreased sense of smell and/or taste?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, DO NOT come onto the installation. DPG families and employees who answered YES to any of the questions above need to follow the steps outlined in our Sick Flow Chart. *NOTE: The sick flow chart and the questions above do not apply to personnel coming to DPG for a test or training event. Please work with your West Desert Test Center point of contact for access to the installation.