Request for Test Services (RFTS) Quick Reference Guide
The Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC)
requires that all testing and training events taking place at one of their eight
Test Centers be documented in the ATEC Decision Support System (ADSS). The process of requesting an event begins
with entering an RFTS into ADSS.
Required Information for the
- *Requester: Enter into the Fields the pertinent information related to the person submitting the Request. This is the first person an ATEC employee should call with questions on the form.
- *Customer: Enter into the Fields all known information pertaining to the Point of Contact within the organization FUNDING the event.
- Alternate POC: Enter into the fields all known information pertaining to a03089ny individual identified as an alternate to either the requester or the customer, if applicable.
- Description of Services: All services provided, and the requirements
pertaining thereto, are tailored to the type of project chosen in the Type
of Customer/Project.
- Acquisition Program Criteria:
- Description of Services:
- *Test Title: Enter into this field what the project should be called. Include at a minimum, the name of the system and the type of testing to be performed. Example: Product Verification Test of the Stryker Mobile Gun System (MGS)
- *System: To choose the system for the test requested, either click the “Find” button located next to the blank field, or enter the name of the system in the blank field. Example: Stryker MGS
- Model Number: Enter the model number for the system, if available.
- *Test Description/Scope of Work: Include in this field a concise, yet complete description of the proposed testing events to be associated with this effort. This field includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project. Should any special considerations or extenuating circumstances need recognition, list them here. Everything covered by the funding provided should be listed here, for easy accessibility.
- *Number of Test Items: Enter the number of items to be tested under this effort. Use a numeric Character only.
- Military Test Players: Check the box if military test players are required for the effort requested.
- Testing Location:
- Preferred Test Center: If the test requester has a preference regarding where the test is performed, use this dropdown list to choose the Center that will perform the work.
- Testing Location: Enter the specific test location into this manual input field.
- Test Center Point of Contact: If a Point of Contact (POC) has been established at a specific test center for the requested effort; i.e. a Test Officer, their name can be entered into this field.
- POC Phone: Enter the Test Center POC’s phone number in this field, if available.
- Projected Schedule:
- *Start Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed start date for the test requested.
- *Completion Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed ending date for the test requested.
- Other Dates: Enter any other dates of importance for the request here. Example: Planning Start- 5 May 2010; Report Published - 20 Dec 2012.
- Explanation: If a date entered in one of the previous three fields needs clarification or an explanation, enter the information in the field.
- Report Requirements:
- *Select Requirements: Use the dropdown list to choose the type of report best suited to the purpose(s) of the test.
- Safety Considerations:
- *Safety Considerations: Use the text box to enter any specific concerns regarding the safety of the system, test events and personnel associated with the system. A copy of the Safety Assessment Report (SAR) should be provided prior to any testing, if it is an Army System/Funder. Army policy requires that testing will not begin until a SAR has been received from the test sponsor, reviewed and accepted by the government organization performing the test (Army Regulation 385-16).
- Environmental Considerations:
- *Environmental Considerations: Use the text box to enter any environmental considerations that might impact on the accomplishment of the requested effort. Provide appropriate documentation in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) and Army Regulation 200-2. Examples are: Record of Environmental Consideration, Environmental Assessment, or Environmental Impact Statement.
- Security Considerations:
- *Security Considerations: Use the text box to address any security considerations; for example, applicable provisions of the security classification guide or security checklist, and any applicable OPSEC requirements, if appropriate
- Report Distribution POC:
- Report Distribution POC: Enter into the fields the pertinent information related to the individual to contact for releasing the test report, if that person differs from the Customer.
- Acquisition Phase:
- *Select Phase: Select the phase from the dropdown list provided.
- Funding Source:
- Funding Source: Choose the most accurate funding source for the test requested. Use the blank fields to the right of the selected source to provide specific funding related information.
- Is this a Joint Program?:
- Is this a Joint Program?: Choose either “Yes” or “No” to answer if other DoD Services are involved with the program. If the answer is yes, specify the
other Services participating.
- References:
- References: List any correspondence or reference documents for this effort. Examples: TEMP, ORD
- Developers:
- Developers: List the materiel developer and the combat developer. Definitions are provided on the RFTS form.
- Evaluated:
- Evaluated: Is this system evaluated by AEC? If the system is evaluated by the Army Evaluation Center(AEC) check “Yes”. If it is not evaluated, check “No”.
- Acquisition Category (ACAT):
- ACAT: Use the dropdown list to choose the ACAT level of the system, or choose NA if unknown.
- Manufacturer:
- Manufacturer: List the manufacturer of the item in the text field provided.
- Non-Acquisition Program Criteria:
- Description of Services:
- *Test Title: Enter into this field what the project should be called. Include at a minimum, the name of the system and the type of testing to be performed. Example: Software Upgrade Testing for the OH-58
- *System: Enter the name of the system in the blank
- Model Number: Enter the model number for the system, if available.
- *Test Description/Scope of Work: Include in this field a concise, yet complete description of the proposed testing events to be associated with this effort. This field includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project. Should any special considerations or extenuating circumstances need recognition, list them here. Everything covered by the funding provided should be listed here, for easy accessibility.
- *Number of Test Items: Enter the number of items to be tested under this effort. Use a numeric Character only.
- Military Test Players: Check the box if military test players are required for the effort requested.
- Project Type:
- Project Type: Use the dropdown list to select if the project type is “Test” or “Support”. Test consists of projects where actual testing of a system will be conducted. Support should be chosen when a project has been requested to use a Test Center resource, but testing will be conducted by another organization.
- Testing Location:
- Preferred Test Center: If the test requester has a preference regarding where the test is performed, use this dropdown list to choose the Center that will perform the work.
- Resources are personnel, ranges, aircraft, buildings, etc.
- Testing Location: Enter the specific test location into this manual input field. Example: 29 Palms, California - or - Yuma Proving Ground, AZ
- Test Center Point of Contact: If a Point of Contact (POC) has been established at a specific test center for the requested effort; i.e. a Test Officer, enter their name into this field.
- POC Phone: Enter the Test Center POC’s phone number in this field, if available.
- Projected Schedule:
- *Start Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed start date for the test requested.
- *Completion Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed ending date for the test requested.
- Other Dates: Enter any other dates of importance for the request here. Example: Planning Start- 5 May 2010; Report Published - 20 Dec 2012.
- Explanation: If a date entered in the previous three fields needs clarification or an explanation, enter the information in the field.
- Report Requirements:
- *Select Requirements: Use the dropdown list to choose the type of report best suited to the purpose(s) of the test.
- Safety Considerations:
- *Safety Considerations: Use the text box to enter any specific concerns regarding the safety of the system, test events and personnel associated with the system. A copy of the Safety Assessment Report (SAR) should be provided prior to any testing, if it is an Army System/Funder. Army policy requires that testing will not begin until a SAR has been received from the test sponsor, reviewed and accepted by the government organization performing the test (Army Regulation 385-16).
- Environmental Considerations:
- *Environmental Considerations: Use the text box to enter any environmental considerations that might impact on the accomplishment of the requested effort. Provide appropriate documentation in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) and Army Regulation 200-2. Examples are: Record of Environmental Consideration, Environmental Assessment, or Environmental Impact Statement.
- Security Considerations
- *Security Considerations: Use the text box to address any security considerations; for example, applicable provisions of the security classification guide or security checklist, and any applicable OPSEC requirements, if appropriate.
- Report Distribution POC
- Report Distribution POC: Enter into the fields the pertinent information related to the individual to contact for releasing the test report, if that person differs from the Customer.
- Funding Source:
- Funding Source: Choose the most accurate funding source for the test requested. Use the blank fields to the right of the selected source to provide specific funding related information.
- Is this a Joint Program?:
- Is this a Joint Program?: Choose either “Yes” or “No” to answer if other DoD Services are involved with the program. If the answer is yes, specify the other Services participating.
- References:
- References: List any correspondence or reference documents for this effort. Examples: TEMP, ORD
- Federal Government Agency (not Department of Defense) Criteria:
- Description of Services:
- *Test Title: Enter into this field what the project should be called. Include at a minimum, the name of the system and the testing to be performed. Example: Product Verification Test of the Stryker Mobile Gun System (MGS)
- *System: Enter the name of the system in the blank field. Example: Stryker MGS
- Model Number: Enter the model number for the system, if available.
- *Test Description/Scope of Work: Include in this field a concise, yet complete description of the proposed testing events to be associated with this effort. This field includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project. Should any special considerations or extenuating circumstances need recognition list them here. Everything covered by the funding provided should be listed here, for easy accessibility.
- *Number of Test Items: Enter the number of items to be tested under this effort. Use a numeric Character only.
- Military Test Players: Check the box if military test players are required for the effort requested.
- Project Type:
- Project Type: Use the dropdown list to select if the project type is “Test” or “Support”. Test consists of projects where actual testing of a system will be conducted. Support should be chosen when a project has been requested to use a Test Center resource, but testing will be conducted by another organization. Resources are personnel, ranges, aircraft, buildings, etc.
- Testing Location:
- Preferred Center: If the test requester has a preference regarding where the test is performed, use this dropdown list to choose the Test Center that will perform the work.
- Testing Location: Enter the specific test location can into this manual input field.
- Test Center Point of Contact: If a Point of Contact (POC) has been established at a specific test center for the requested effort; i.e. a Test Officer, enter their name into this field.
- POC Phone: Enter the Test Center POC’s phone number in this field, if available.
- Projected Schedule:
- *Start Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed start date for the test requested.
- *Completion Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed ending date for the test requested.
- Other Dates: Enter any other dates of importance for the request here. Example: Planning Start- 5 May 2010; Report Published - 20 Dec 2012.
- Explanation: If a date entered in the previous three fields needs clarification or an explanation, enter the information in the field.
- Report Requirements:
- *Select Requirements: Use the dropdown list to choose the type of report best suited to the purpose(s) of the test.
- Safety Considerations:
- *Safety Considerations: Use the text box to enter any specific concerns regarding the safety of the system, test events and personnel associated with the system. A copy of the Safety Assessment Report (SAR) should be provided prior to any testing, if it is an Army System/Funder. Army policy requires that testing will not begin until a SAR has been received from the test sponsor, reviewed and accepted by the government organization performing the test (Army Regulation 385-16).
- Environmental Considerations:
- *Environmental Considerations: Use the text box to enter any environmental considerations that might impact on the accomplishment of the requested effort. Provide appropriate documentation in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Army Regulation 200-2. Examples are: Record of Environmental Consideration, Environmental Assessment, or Environmental Impact Statement.
- Security Considerations:
- *Security Considerations: Use the text box to address any security considerations; for example, applicable provisions of the security classification guide or security checklist, and any applicable OPSEC requirements, if appropriate.
- Report Distribution POC:
- Report Distribution POC: Enter into the fields the pertinent information related to the individual to contact for releasing the test report, if that person differs from the Customer.
- Funding Source:
- Funding Source: Choose the most accurate funding source for the test requested. Use the blank fields to the right of the selected source to provide specific funding related information.
- Is this a Joint Program?:
- Is this a Joint Program?: Choose either “Yes” or “No” to answer if other DoD Services are involved with the program. If the answer is yes, specify the other Services participating.
- References:
- References: List any correspondence or reference documents for this effort. Examples: TEMP, ORD
- Commercial Entity Criteria:
- Description of Services:
- *TestTitle: Enter into this field what the project should be called. Include at a minimum, the name of the system, the testing to be performed, and the name of the Commercial Entity involved. Example: Engineering Design testing of the Stryker Mobile Gun System (MGS) in support of General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS)
- *System: Enter the name of the system in the blank field. Example: Stryker MGS
- Model Number: Enter the model number for the system, if available.
- *Test Description/Scope of Work: Include in this field a concise, yet complete description of the proposed testing events to be associated with this effort. This field includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project. Should any special considerations or extenuating circumstances need recognition, list them here. Everything to be covered by the
funding provided should be listed here, for easy accessibility
- *Number of Test Items: Enter the number of items to be tested under this effort. Use a numeric character only.
- Military Test Players: Check the box if military test players are required for the effort requested.
- Project Type:
- Project Type: Use the dropdown list to select if the project type is “Test” or “Support”. Test consists of projects where actual testing of a system will be conducted. Support should be chosen when a project has been requested to use a Test Center resource, but testing will be conducted by another organization. Resources are personnel, ranges,
aircraft, buildings, etc.
- Testing Location:
- Preferred Center: If the test requester has a preference regarding where the test is performed, use this dropdown list to choose the Test Center that will perform the work.
- Testing Location: Enter the specific test location can into this manual input field.
- Test Center Point of Contact: If a Point of Contact (POC) has been established at a specific test center for the requested effort; i.e. a Test Officer, enter their name into this field.
- Projected Schedule:
- *Start Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed start date for the test requested.
- *Completion Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed ending date for the test requested.
- Other Dates: Enter any other dates of importance for the request here. Example: Planning Start- 5 May 2010; Report Published - 20 Dec 2012.
- Explanation: If a date entered in the previous three fields needs clarification or an explanation, enter the information in the field.
- Report Requirements:
- *Select Requirements: Use the dropdown list to choose the type of report best suited to the purpose(s) of the test.
- Safety Considerations:
- *Safety Considerations: Use the text box to enter any specific concerns regarding the safety of the system, test events and personnel associated with the system. A copy of the Safety Assessment Report (SAR) should be provided prior to any testing, if it is an Army System/Funder. Army policy requires that testing will not begin until a SAR has been received from the test sponsor, reviewed and accepted by the government organization performing the test (Army Regulation 385-16).
- Environmental Considerations:
- *Environmental Considerations: Use the text box to enter any environmental considerations that might impact on the accomplishment of the requested effort. Provide appropriate documentation in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Army Regulation 200-2. Examples are: Record of Environmental Consideration, Environmental Assessment, or Environmental Impact Statement.
- Security Considerations:
- *Security Considerations: Use the text box to address any security considerations; for example, applicable provisions of the security classification guide or security checklist, and any applicable OPSEC requirements, if appropriate.
- Report Distribution POC:
- Report Distribution POC: Enter into the fields the pertinent information related to the individual to contact for releasing the test report, if that person differs from the Customer.
- DoD Contract:
- DoD Contract: Choose whether there is a contract between the commercial entity and a DoD organization. Provide the contract number and the Agency with whom the contract has been signed in the appropriate fields.
- Foreign Military Sales Criteria:
- Description of Services:
- *Test Title: Enter into this field what the project should be called. Include at a minimum, the name of the system, the testing to be performed and the country for which the testing is being performed. Example: Japanese Patriot Product Verification Testing
- *System: Enter the name of the system in the blank field. Example: Patriot
- Model Number: Enter the model number for the system, if available.
- *Test Description/Scope of Work: Include in this field a concise, yet complete description of the proposed testing events to be associated with this effort. This field includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project. Should any special considerations or extenuating circumstances need recognition, list them here. Everything covered by the funding provided should be listed here, for easy accessibility. The name of the country for which the FMS is being created should be included in this field as well.
- *Number of Test Items: Enter the number of items to be tested under this effort. Use a numeric Character only.
- Military Test Players: Check the box if military test players are required for the effort requested.
- Project Type:
- Project Type: Use the dropdown list to select if the project type is “Test” or “Support”. Test consists of projects where actual testing of a system will be conducted. Support should be chosen when a project has been requested to use a Test Center resource, but testing will be conducted by another organization. Resources are personnel, ranges, aircraft, buildings, etc.
- Testing Location:
- Preferred Center: If the test requester has a preference regarding where the test is performed, use this dropdown list to choose the Test Center that will perform the work.
- Testing Location: Enter the specific test location can into this manual input field.
- Test Center Point of Contact: If a Point of Contact (POC) has been established at a specific test center for the requested effort; i.e. a Test Officer, enter their name into this field.
- POC Phone: Enter the Test Center POC’s phone number in this field, if available.
- Projected Schedule:
- *Start Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed start date for the test requested.
- *Completion Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed ending date for the test requested.
- Other Dates: Enter any other dates of importance for the request here. Example: Planning Start- 5 May 2010; Report Published - 20 Dec 2012.
- Explanation: If a date entered in the previous three fields needs clarification or an explanation, enter the information in the field.
- Report Requirements:
- *Select Requirements: Use the dropdown list to choose the type of report best suited to the purpose(s) of the test.
- Safety Considerations:
- *Safety Considerations: Use the text box to enter any specific concerns regarding the safety of the system, test events and personnel associated with the system. A copy of the Safety Assessment Report (SAR) should be provided prior to any testing, if it is an Army System/Funder. Army policy requires that testing will not begin until a SAR has been received from the test sponsor, reviewed and accepted by the government organization performing the test (Army Regulation 385-16).
- Environmental Considerations:
- *Environmental Considerations: Use the text box to enter any environmental considerations that might impact on the accomplishment of the requested effort. Provide appropriate documentation in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Army Regulation 200-2. Examples are: Record of Environmental Consideration, Environmental Assessment, or Environmental Impact Statement.
- Security Considerations:
- *Security Considerations: Use the text box to address any security considerations; for example, applicable provisions of the security classification guide or security checklist, and any applicable OPSEC requirements, if appropriate.
- Report Distribution POC:
- Report Distribution POC: Enter into the fields the pertinent information related to the individual to contact for releasing the test report, if that person differs from the Customer.
- Acquisition Phase:
- *Select Phase: Select the phase from the dropdown list provided.
- Is this a Joint Program?:
- Is this a Joint Program?: Choose either “Yes” or “No” to answer if other DoD Services are involved with the program. If the answer is yes, specify the other Services participating.
- References:
- References: List any correspondence or reference documents for this effort. Examples: TEMP, ORD
- Foreign Military Sales:
- *FMS Number: Enter the FMS number in the blank field provided.
- Ballistic Test Request Criteria:
- Ballistic Test Request:
- From: List the Government organization and the address associated with the Ballistic request.
- Item: Use the “Find” button located to the right of the blank field to choose the Ballistic item for testing. If the item cannot be found in the lists, input the information in the test procedure remarks field. Example: Cartridge,105mm, illuminating, M314A3
- NSN: Enter the National Stock Number (NSN) of the system to be tested, if available.
- Producer: Enter the name and location of the producer of the system to be tested.
- Shipper: Enter the name and address of the agency/company shipping the System for testing in this text box.
- PROD Order or Contr No: Enter the product order or control number for the system to be tested.
- Estimated Number of Lots: Enter into the appropriate fields the number of FAT and/or the number of production lots to be covered under this testing event.
- Frequency of Lots: List the number of Lots to be shipped per month.
- Estimated Date of First Sample: Use the calendar to choose the dates for first arrival of the FAT and production lots.
- Lot and/or Serial Number(s): Enter the lot numbers or the Serial Numbers for the items to be tested.
- Drawing: If there is a drawing associated with the system, enter the location here.
- Specification:
- Distribution of Reports: In the text boxes enter the names of the people to receive reports next to their role in the request. Check the type of report(s) to be sent to each individual.
- Funding Citation:
- FMS: Choose either “yes” or “no” in response to whether or not the project is for a Foreign Military Sale.
- FMS Case No: Enter the FMS case number for the project.
- Test Procedure Remarks: Include in this field a concise, yet complete description of the proposed testing events to be associated with this effort. This field
includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project. Should any special considerations or extenuating circumstances need recognition, list them here. Everything covered by the funding provided should be listed here, for easy accessibility. In the event that the system name is not listed in the Item dropdown list, enter the name of the ballistic item in this field.
- Request Number: Enter the BTR number in this field.
- Amendment: If the BTR is an amendment to a request entered at another time, list the amendment number in this field.
- Date: List the date corresponding to the amendment.
- Product Quality Manager:
- Project Type:
- Project Type: Use the dropdown list to select if the project type is “Test” or “Support”. Test consists of projects where actual testing of a system will be conducted. Support should be chosen when a project has been requested to use a Test Center resource, but testing will be conducted by another organization. Resources are personnel, ranges, aircraft, buildings, etc.
- Testing Location:
- Preferred Test Center: If the test requester has a preference regarding where the test is performed, use this dropdown list to choose the Test Center that will perform the work.
- Testing Location: Enter the specific test location can into this manual input field.
- Test Center Point of Contact: If a Point of Contact (POC) has been established at a specific test center for the requested effort; i.e. a Test Officer, enter their name into this field.
- POC Phone: Enter the Test Center POC’s phone number in this field, if available.
- Projected Schedule:
- *Start Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed start date for the test requested.
- *Completion Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed ending date for the test requested.
- Other Dates: Enter any other dates of importance for the request here. Example: Planning Start- 5 May 2010; Report Published - 20 Dec 2012.
- Explanation: If a date entered in the previous three fields needs clarification or an explanation, enter the information in the field.
- Report Distribution POC:
- Report Distribution POC: In the fields provided, enter the name, address and email of the individual to contact for releasing the test report if that person differs from the Customer.
- ATEC In-House Project Criteria:
- Description of Services:
- *Test Title: Enter into this field what the project should be called. Include at a minimum, the name of the system and the type of testing to be performed. Example: Methodology Support for DTE5
- *System: Enter the name of the system in the blank field. Example: Methodology Support
- Model Number: Enter the model number for the system, if available.
- *Test Description/Scope of Work: Include in this field a concise, yet complete description of the proposed testing events to be associated with this effort. This field includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project. Should any special considerations or extenuating circumstances need recognition, list them here. Everything covered by the funding provided should be listed here, for easy accessibility.
- *Number of Test Items: Enter the number of items to be tested under this effort. Use a numeric Character only.
- Military Test Players: Check the box if military test players are required for the effort requested.
- Project Type:
- Project Type: Use the dropdown list to select if the project type is “Test” or “Support”. Test consists of projects where actual testing of a system will be conducted. Support should be chosen when a project has been requested to use a Test Center resource, but testing will be conducted by another organization. Resources are personnel, ranges, aircraft, buildings, etc.
- Testing Location:
- Preferred Center: If the test requester has a preference regarding where the test is performed, use this dropdown list to choose the Test Center that will perform the work.
- Testing Location: Enter the specific test location can into this manual input field.
- Test Center Point of Contact: If a Point of Contact (POC) has been established at a specific test center for the requested effort; i.e. a Test Officer, enter their name into this field.
- POC Phone: Enter the Test Center POC’s phone number in this field, if available.
- Projected Schedule:
- *Start Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed start date for the test requested.
- *Completion Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed ending date for the test requested.
- Other Dates: Enter any other dates of importance for the request here. Example: Planning Start- 5 May 2010; Report Published - 20 Dec 2012.
- Explanation: If a date entered in the previous three fields needs clarification or an explanation, enter the information in the field.
- Report Requirements:
- *Select Requirements: Use the dropdown list to choose the type of report best suited to the purpose(s) of the test.
- Funding Source:
- Funding Source: Choose the most accurate funding source for the test being requested. Use the blank fields to the right of the selected source to provide specific funding related information.
- References:
- References: List any correspondence or reference documents for this effort. Examples: TEMP, ORD
- Training Event Criteria:
- Description of Services:
- *Training Title: Include in this field what the training event should be called. Include at a minimum the name of the warfighter group and the training to be performed.
- System: The system should always be entered as “training support”.
- *Description of Training Event:
- Host Support Provided:
- *Warfighter Service: Either use the dropdown list to choose the Service requesting the training event, or if the Requesting service is not included in the dropdown list, use the manual entry text field to enter the service.
- *Number of Warfighters: Enter a numeric character representing the number of warfighters involved in the training event.
- Testing Location:
- Preferred Test Center: If the test requester has a preference regarding where the training is performed, use this dropdown list to choose the Test Center that will perform the support.
- Testing Location: Enter the specific training location into this manual input field.>
- Test Center Point of Contact: If a Point of Contact (POC) has been established at a specific test center for the requested effort; i.e. a Test Officer, enter their name into this field.
- POC Phone: Enter the Test Center POC’s phone number in this field, if available.
- Projected Schedule:
- *Start Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed start date for the test requested.
- *Completion Date: Use the calendar function located to the right of the blank field to choose the proposed ending date for the test requested.
- Other Dates: Enter any other dates of importance for the request here.
- Explanation: If a date entered in the previous three fields needs clarification or an explanation, enter the information in the field.
- Funding Source:
- Funding Source: Choose the most accurate funding source for the training event requested. Use the blank fields to the right of the selected source to provide specific funding related information.